End the employee no-show guessing game

Say goodbye to wondering if employees saw their schedules, chasing shift confirmations, missing job information, time-consuming schedule sharing, and endless back-and-forth.

rem scheduling hero desktop

Trusted by Over 36,000 Companies Worldwide

Schedule staff effortlessly with the Connecteam app

Connecteam’s schedule in a nutshell

Distribute schedules with a click, get a clear overview of who confirmed or rejected their shifts, and instantly send reminders.

Need to communicate on any issues or last-minute changes? Chat with staff directly from the schedule.

See how much time you can save with Connecteam!

Step 1: Planning

Create optimal schedules

  • Quickly build schedules with templates, duplications, and recurring shifts
  • Clearly view employee availability, qualifications, time off, and preferences
  • Avoid costly mistakes with regulatory limitations and inconsistency flagging
  • Guarantee equal shift distribution and prevent conflicts like double bookings


Before, I would schedule people and pray they'd show up. Now, we have an average of 90-95% user engagement.

Cristen Gros,
VP of Special Projects

Step 2: Distribution

Publish and get immediate feedback

  • Share schedules for your team to access via the app in seconds
  • Increase accountability and reduce back-and-forth with shift confirmations
  • Communicate any scheduling changes instantly
  • Let staff connect their work schedules to their personal calendars

Step 3: Day-to-day

Manage your team’s daily activities

  • Stay fully staffed and avoid no-shows with shift reminders and replacements
  • Ditch calls and text and reach your team instantly via in-app chat and updates
  • Give employees mobile access to all the information they need to succeed
  • Get real-time insights from the field with digital forms and checklists

Step 4: Reporting

Prepare for payroll and invoicing

  • Record accurate work hours by having staff clock in from their phones
  • Instantly calculate overtime, breaks, and time off
  • Export timesheets straight to payroll providers like Gusto and QuickBooks
  • Track time spent on projects and jobs for easy billing and invoicing

No more scheduling issues

Start Scheduling